Check the roadmap to see when it will be public for anyone to implement.
A adding GOTAI to an existing agent.
The API key will generate the smart contract that will be used by the AI agent.
Copy // Import the GOTAI SDK
const { generateApiKey } = require('gotai-sdk');
// Async function to generate the API Key
async function createApiKey() {
const name = 'My AI Agent';
const description = 'API key for NFT generation';
const wallet = '0xYourWalletAddressHere'; // Add your wallet address
const ticker = 'AIXBT'; // Define the token ticker
const smartContractType = 'ERC1155'; // Smart contract type (default: ERC1155, Solana coming soon)
const aiProvider = 'deepseek'; // Define the AI provider ('deepseek', 'openai', 'claude', etc.)
try {
const apiKey = await generateApiKey({
aiProvider // Pass the AI provider as a parameter
console.log('API Key generated successfully:', apiKey);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error generating API Key:', error.message);
// Run the function
in packages/core/src/defaultCharacter.ts, set:
Copy modelProvider: ModelProviderName.GOTAI,
The agent will identify in the package how to recognize and call the function for NFT creation. Additional information will need to be updated in the agent’s character.json for this to happen.